17 February 2015 – Company Fuck, Botborg – Chicago, MI, USA
17 February 2015 Company Fuck, Botborg in Chicago, MI, USA. Tritriangle with Arcane Bolt, Adventure Monday. https://www.facebook.com/events/1530655440556543/.
17 February 2015 Company Fuck, Botborg in Chicago, MI, USA. Tritriangle with Arcane Bolt, Adventure Monday. https://www.facebook.com/events/1530655440556543/.
15 February 2015 Company Fuck, Botborg in Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Far House with Kirill, Watabou, and more. https://www.facebook.com/events/1533613103576857/.
Shatter your heart and mind this Valentine’s evening with the aid of the fantastic stylings of: Company Fuck – Berlin – Noisecore/Avant Garde/Multi-Orgasmic Performer http://www.companyfuck.com a one-man noisecore karaoke explosion. Known for his energetic and unpredictable live shows, simultaneously performs (and parodies) the roles of DJ, MC, singer, and dancer in an irreverent yet loving way which satirizes musicians, the music business, and music in general.…
Bats From Pogo: Andrea Pensado – voice, laptop Walter Wright – electronics, drums https://whitehausfamilyrecord.bandcamp.com/track/bats-from-pogo-chillith-3 Company Fuck (Berlin, Germany) Company Fuck is a one-man noisecore karaoke explosion. Known for his energetic and unpredictable live shows PETE NOLAN (Spectre Folk/Magik Markers) Beautiful Spacey Jams https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Spectre_Folk/ $6 – 21+ $9 – 18+ 9pm.
4 February 2015 Company Fuck in Greenfield, MA, USA. John Doe, Jr. with ISA Christ, DB Russell, Jen Gelineau and Matt Robidoux, and more.
1 February 2015 Company Fuck in Boston, MA, USA. Deep Thoughts JP with Cave Bears, Stupidiapersoftime, Andrea Pensado, and more. https://www.facebook.com/events/1158042407583655/.
22 January 2015 Company Fuck in Geneva, Switzerland. Black Movie Interntational Festival of Independent Films Company Fuck Karaoke Show with Yvan le terrible.
C O M P A N Y – F UC K + F R E E K A – T E T + G U E S T — COMPANY FUCK l’irrésistible molosse break-karaoke-core australien, est accueilli par la Galerie LAZER QUEST, le mercredi 29 octobre 2014 de 18 à 22h30, au sein de la Gare Expérimentale ; Performance musicale et vidéo, scénographie en or solide, paillettes et fluorescence en bonne et due forme. Une occasion de fêter la sublime sortie “100% SOLID GOLD FUCKING” de chez BRK https://www.brkcore.fr/spip/spip.php?article141…
COMPANY FUCK, uno dei performer migliori al mondo è un ESPLOSIVO one-man BAND noisecore karaoke, originario dell’Australia ma risiede a Berlino. Noto per le sue energiche e imprevedibili performance dal vivo, svolge contemporaneamente la parodia e il ruolo di DJ, MC, cantante e ballerino in modo irriverente ma amorevole sfottendo la musica in generale. Con un approccio pop/noise cut- up improvvisato sessualmente psichedelico, porta un approccio futuristico alla performance dal vivo con uno…
COMPANY FUCK (one-man noisecore/karaoke/explosion) ASPEC(T) ft 70FPS (live expanded cinema/analog free-noise/cut-up/light devices) COMPANY FUCK Company Fuck (o CxFx) è noto per le sue performances brutali e imprevedibili di cutup noisecore in costumepsichedelico. Utilizza un computer portatile, ma non ha nessuna somiglianza con quel tipo di musicista. Dal vivo CxFx è un mostro del tutto improvvisato del rumore wireless, in grado di avanzare rapidamenteattraverso un intero arcobaleno…