
Company Fuck – Interview for Vice

Scott Sinclair is a one-man noisecore karaoke explosion who wears gold bodysuits and nerd glasses, and we talked to him about Limp Bizkit and his "masterpieces of anti-intellectual sarcasm.".

22 October 2013 - News - Tags: Publication.

Company Fuck – Review from Open Provocation Festival

A bit of hype for Company Fuck: review of last month’s performance in Cornwall by Nigel Ayers (Nocturnal Emissions). “And then the chairs are pulled back and stacked up, and Polruan Village Hall becomes Company Fuck’s dancehall.…OMG! Company Fuck is a mad Aussie in nerd spectacles wearing a crotch-hugging two tone purple leotard. Yelling DJ clichés into…

28 May 2013 - News.