Zdravím! Noise FEST Czech Republic 2018 je dalším pokračováním festivalu noisu, experimentální hudby a performace. Uskuteční se 13.-14. dubna v prostoru klubu ArtBar Druhý Pád. // Hello! Noise FEST Czech Republic 2018 is a fetival of noise, experimental music and performance. It´ll take place on 13.-14. of April in ArtBar Druhý Pád. Vaše ušní bubínky potěší:…
13 April 2018 - Dates.
Chin Stroke TV, the Internet’s premiere powerhouse of hard-hitting edutainment and memetic art-fusion, returns to the Bangface Weekender for the third year running. With a budget running into the hundreds of thousands and a permanent staff of over 50 dynamic practitioners – Chin Stroke TV leaps beyond the aphasic boundaries of visual performance to nurture a dynamic reflection of the human condition. 2018 will see an evolution of bodies, of material and immaterial space into which you, the intrepid…
18 March 2018 - Dates.
Company Fuck (Australia/Berlin) Company Fuck es una explosión de karaoke noisecore. Conocido por sus enérgicos e impredecibles shows en vivo, Company Fuck realiza simultáneamente (y parodia) los papeles de DJ, MC, cantante y bailarín de una manera irreverente pero amorosa que satiriza a los músicos, el negocio de la música y la música en general. https://www.companyfuck.com…
9 March 2018 - Dates.
Meat Moabit Vol. 5 live: Excessive Visage – Rock/Psych – http://www.facebook.com/excessivevisage/ “Excessive Visage” ist ein melancholischer Ritt durch den Kosmos, eine hypnotische Frauenstimme auf psychedelischer Jazz-Basis, mathematische Beats, Rock mit jeder Menge Distortion und Elektronik. + Grimény – Experimental Rock – http://www.facebook.com/grimeny/ “Die Große Enttäuschung”…
9 December 2017 - Dates.
As a follow up from three editions of Noise!Besturing a while ago it is time for #4!. This time it will be in the new space on ground level in de Besturing. We have 3 different acts for you: Trieblaut (DE) Company Fuck (DE) Pressure Therapy (NL) Trieblaut (Dresden) Noiserock-Duo Oliver Zorn and Alwin Weber from dresden creating an irrestible melange with dist. bass sounds, pulsing beats and haunting vocals Company Fuck (Berlin) Brutalistic and humorous collages of audiovisual media incorporating elements…
1 December 2017 - Dates.
ӫ Banal Anml ( solo expe/ junknoise/synth ) Chicago Le projet solo de Kyle Drouin, est synthétisé à l’extrême. De beaux arpèges dansent gracieusement entre les rythmes tropicaux. Les voix en retard retournent à travers la pièce, les boucles de rétroaction résonnent et les échancrures de réverbes apparaissent. Brouilleur de synthé .. Ceci est son premier voyage en Europe. https://banalanml.bandcamp.com/releases…
14 October 2017 - Dates.
Rraouhhh ! is a Brussels band born in summer 2014 by the meeting of Sophie and Arno (alias Mr. Marcaille). This is a Dance Music duo with analog and old electro-acoustic keyboards, fuzzy on amps, 120 BPM beat and vocals. Psychedelic beats and delays, heavy sounds, cranky guitars feelings, Sludge and Groovy bass lines, as they called it New Disco Wave. From this time they have released two albums, « Relax » and « C’est Louche »…
10 October 2017 - Dates.
21h: lecture and discussion by jerome trebing on the ties between extreme electronics and right wing politics https://www.whomakesthenazis.com https://vonnichtsgewusst.blogsport.eu // venta protesix (it) zombieflesheater (d) company fuck (aus) onno ennoson faz og fall into dry lungs w/ vj weownthenite inverto boy & abraham wurstkessel no racism – no sexism – no homophobia – no antisemitism – no antiziganism…
29 September 2017 - Dates.
Ø X=JOY part of Unsafe+Sounds Festival 2017 Company Fuck (AUS/DE) https://bit.ly/2vHE1a0 DJ Warzone (Perpetua Rec) https://bit.ly/2w267rF Heap (Neubau) https://bit.ly/2gH9Poo haskii https://bit.ly/2gBgpJu Schirin Ulrich Rois (Membrane) https://bit.ly/2eYSd3T http://www.unsafeandsounds.com.
23 September 2017 - Dates.